Glac    Map    Google Map

    The largest plateau in the Slovak Paradise, reaching the elevation of 1061 m above the former abode of a game warden (the abode was named Glac, too). Practically all the most attractive narrow passages of the Slovak Paradise eroded In its slopes - in the east Kyseľ and Sokolia dolina (Falcon Valley), in the west Veľký Sokol (Big Falcon), Piecky, and in the north Suchá Belá (Dry Belá), Kláštorská roklina (Monastery Gorge) and Zelená dolina (Green Valley - not open to public). Except of the large number of superficial karst formations on its pastrures, in the eastern slopes of the Glac plateau above the White Creek Valley, there you can find the most famous caves of the Glac plateau - Medvedia jaskyňa (Bear Cave) and Zlatá diera (Golden Hole).
    The majority of the marked tourist paths in the Slovak Paradise end or cross the Glac plateau and its outposts. Therefore, the Glac plateau is deemed to be the central orientation point of the Slovak Paradise area.

ACCESS: On foot from Hrabusice, Letanovce, Spišské Tomášovce, Smižany or from Dedinky.
SURROUNDINGS: Kláštorisko, Kláštorská roklina (Kláštorská Ravine), Letanovský mlyn (Letanovský Mill), Podlesok, Suchá Belá (Dry Belá), Veľký Sokol (Big Falcon), Rothova roklina (Roth Ravine), Piecky, Prielom Hornadu (Hornád Canyon), Sokolia dolina (Falcon Valley), Kyseľ, dolina Bieleho potoka (White Creek Valley), Tomášovský výhľad (Tomášovský View) and Geravy.



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